Grade / Belt colour |
Technical requirements |
Other requirements |
1st Kyu |
Strikes: Keiko Uchi (Chicken Geak Strike) Nukite Nihon (Two Finger Thrust) Blocks: Suni Uke (Shin Blocks) Kicks: Tobi nidan Geri (Jumping Double Kick) Tobi Yoko Geri (Jumping Side Kick) Tobi Ushiro Geri (Jumping Back Kick) Kata: Tsuki No Kata (Fortune and Luck) Geki Sai Dai (Fortress Attack) |
Complete the second 5 of the Seiki-Juku One Steps Kumite: The candidate will fight 4 fights in a pool of 5 in Kenka Kumite and win 2 fights Body Tests: The cadidate may be required to break a 1 inch wooden board with a technique selected from Chudan Tsuki, Mae Keage, Mawashi Geri, Shuto Sekotsu Uchi |
2nd Kyu |
Strikes: Ippon Ken Uchi Jodan (One Knuckle Strike Upper) Ippon Ken Uchi Chdan (One Knuckle Strike Middle) Koken Uchi Jodan (Wrist Strike Upper) Koken Uchi Chudan (Wrist Strike Middle) Blocks: Koken Uke Jodan (Wrist Block Upper) Koken Uke Chudan (Wrist Block Middle) Kicks: Ushiro Mawashi Geri (Rear Roundhouse Kick) Tobi Mawashi Geri (Jumping Roundhouse Kick) Kata: Pinan Go (Pinan 5) |
Complete the first five One Steps of the Seiki-Juku Karate Do Kumite: Kenka Kumite (Semi-Contact Fighting) Body Tests: For those over 18 years of age candidates may be required to break with Shuto or Seiken of no less than 5 concrete roofing tiles |
3rd Kyu |
Strikes: Tettsui Jodan Uchi (Hammerfist to Head) Haito Uchi Jodan (Inner Knifehand Strike Upper) Haito Uchi Chudan (Inner Knifehand Strike Middle) Haito Uchi Gedan (Inner Knifehand Strike Lower) Blocks: Haito Uchi Uke (Inner Knifehand Block) Jodan Shuto Uchi Uke (upper Knifehand Inside Block) Kicks: Tobi Mae Geri (Jumping Front Kick) Mawashi Geri Gedan (Low Roundhouse Kick) Kata: Pinan Yon (Pinan 4) |
Kumite: To fight 4 fights in a pool of 5 and win one fight in order to gain full promotion Body Tests: |
4th Kyu |
Stances: Maroachi Dachi (One Foot Forward Stance) Kake Geri (Hook Stance) Strikes: Hiji Ate Jodan (Elbow Strike, Upper) Hiji Ate Chudan (Elbow Strike, Middle) Hiji Ate Age (Elbow Strike, Rising) Blocks: Uchi Uke/Gedan Barai (Double Block) Kicks: Kake Geri (Hook Kick) Kata: Pinan San (Pinan 3) |
Kumite: To fight 4 fights in a pool of 5 and win one fight in order to gain full promotion Body Tests: Jump over a pole 10 times whilst holding it in both hands |
5th Kyu |
Stances: Kiba Dachi (Straddle Stance) Strikes: Shuto Yoko Ganmen Uchi (Knifehand to Side of Head) Shuto Sokotsu Uchi (Knifehand to Collar Bone) Blocks: Shuto Gedan Barai (Knikehand Lower Block) Shuto Jodan Uke (Knifehand Upper Block) Kicks: Ushiro Geri (Back Kick) Kata: Pinan Ni (Pinan 2) |
Kumite: To fight in a contest situation and show an understanding of the contest rules of the world Union of Karate Organisation Body Tests: |
6th Kyu |
Stances: Shiko Dachi (Sumo Stance) Strikes: Shita Tsuki (Inverted Punch) Blocks: Shotei Gedan Uke (Palm Heel Lower Block) Shotei Jodan Uke (Palm Heel Upper Block) Kicks: Mawashi Geri Chudan Haisoku (Roundhouse Middle Kick with Instep) Mae Kaketo Geri (Front Heel Kick) Kata: Pinan Ichi (Pinan 1) |
Go-Yon-Kumite (5 Step Fighting) Body Tests: |
7th Kyu |
Stances: Kokotsu Dachi (Back Leaning Stance) Strikes: Morote Tsuki (Double Punch) Ago Tsuki (Jaw Punch) Blocks: Shuto Mawashi Uke (Knifehand Roundhouse Block) Kicks: Yoko Geri Sokuto (Side Kick Knife Foot) Kata: Taikoyoko-Sono-San (Body control movement 3) |
Yohon Kumite (Four One Steps) |
8th Kyu |
Stances: Sanchi Dachi (Diamond Stance) Strikes: Uraken Shomen Uchi (Backfist to Head) Uraken Yoko Uchi (Backfist to Side) Uraken Hizo Uchi (Backfist to Spleen) Blocks: Kaiten Uke (Round Block) Kicks: Mae Geri (Front Kick) Hiza Kansetsu Geri (Knee Joint Kick) Kata: Taikoyoko-Sono-Ichi (Body control movement 1) Taikoyoko-Sono-Ni (Body control movement 2) |
History of Karate Do Self defence techniques against: - Pull from front
- Head lock front and rear holds
9th Kyu |
Stances: Zenkutsu Dachi (Forward Leaning Stance) Strikes: Jodan Gyaku Tsuki (Upper Reverse Punch) Chudan Gyaku Tsuki (Middle Reverse Punch) Gedan Gyaky Tsuki (Lower Reverse Punch) Blocks: Chudan Uchi Uke (Middle Inside Block) Chuda Soto Uke (Middle Outside Block) |
Understanding of warm up exercises and stretching routines Understanding of the Japanese Calligraphy on our Karate Gi (suit) Self defence techniques against: - Pushing against chest
- Throat Grab of collar or shoulder
10th Kyu |
Stances: Fudo Dachi (informal Stance) Strikes: Jodan Tsuki (Upper Punch) Chudan Tsuki (Middle Punch) Gedan Tsuki (Lower Punch) Blocks: Gedan Barai (Lower Block) Jodan Uke (Upper Block) Kicks: Hiza Geri (Knee Kick) Kin Geri (Groin Kick) |
Dojo Etiquette and procedure How to wear and fold a Karate Gi (suit) Self defence techniques against: |
1st Dan (Shodan) |
Kata: Sanchin (Three Phase Attack) Yantsu (Kata of Purity) Saifa (Rolling Wave) Weapons: Bo Katas Ichi, Ni and San |
Complete the 15 Seiki-Juku One Steps Kumite: All candidates will be required to fight a minimum of 15 fights with senior grades Body Tests: Brick and Stone Breaking |
2nd Dan (Nidan) |
Kata: Sei Yunchin Tensho (Rolling Hand) Weapons: Sai Katas Ichi and Ni |
Kumite: All candidates will be required to fight 20 fights with their equals and senior wherever possible Body Tests: Demonstration of unsupported breaks on wood, concrete and tiles |
3rd Dan (Sandan) |
Kata: Seipai Shisochin Kanku Dai Weapons: Nanchuku Kata |
Each candidate may be asked to complete 100 fights Note: Candidates at this level will be assessed on their ability to teach and how many Dan grades they have themselves produced from their own teaching |