UKSKO - United Kingdom Seiki-Juku Karate Organisation



Bu’sen Martial Arts School Courses

Kangami Biraki 2025

Sunday 12th January 2025, 08.00 – 11.00

Cost: £45.00 Adults/Juniors
Payable on the day

You are invited to attend our annual Kangami Biraki on Sunday 12th January 2025 at Busen Martial Arts & Sports Trust.

The Kangami Baraki is held at the start of each year’s training and is considered to be the most important course of the year because we all get together to train and celebrate the New Year in our own special Karate way and to show our commitment towards our school of Karate.

All 1st Kyu and above are asked to attend and all Adult and Children Kyu grades are invited to train with the most senior grades in the Seiki Juku Karate School.

Please remember to bring all of your equipment. I look forward to seeing you all on the day.

Bu’sen Martial Arts and Sports Trust
244 Stanley Rd

There will not be any parking on site for this day so please find alternative parking in the local area.